Monday, April 4, 2016

Just A Few Words. . .

. . .Sometimes. . .
Sometimes, it is those who love the most that are hurt the deepest. 
Sometimes, it is those who smile the brightest that feel the most dark inside. 
Sometimes, it is those who have it all together that are really falling apart. 
Sometimes, it is those who reach out the most that need the greatest amount of love. 
Sometimes, it is those who seem whole that are shattered inside. 
Sometimes, it is those who appear to succeed who are failing. 
Sometimes, it is those who seem to be living the life that are really dying inside.
Sometimes, we just don't see things as they really are. 

May we ever be a little kinder, a little gentler; a little better.

1 comment:

  1. Ellie!! I didn't know you had a blog. :) This makes me so happy. You are the cutest. I love youuuuuu. xoxo
