Friday, March 11, 2016

She Speaks Truth

Lately I have felt a powerful desire to share what I know.

The more truth I learn, the more I see how it applies. And. I want to help people. I want to share what I know. I want to see truth heal them.

I recently talked with a dear friend of mine for just over three hours straight. Not uncommon for friends, I know. But I talked. I am kind of quiet and reserved and often there are so many thoughts in my mind that I don't express. But this time it was different. I spoke. She spoke. We talked of so many things. Of light things. Of joyful things. Of deep things. Of painful things. It was absolutely magnificent and marvelous. As I left that night, my mouth felt sore. Not like it hurt, but like it wasn't used to being used so much. I don't think that I had spoken and expressed my thoughts that much in at least a year if not longer. And I realized what an incredible gift it is to speak. I was able to use this voice of mine to laugh, to sing, and to share truths that I learned. I had spoken.

And I thought: "What am I using this voice for? What words do I want to speak?" I contemplated these questions. I want to speak truth. I want to share what I believe. I want to share what I know. I want to be a girl that people listen to and say: "She speaks truth."

And so the courage to start this blog was found. I've decided that I need to speak. I need to share my unique perspective. This is what this whole blog is about. I've titled it "Ellie's Reality" because it is just that. You'll get to see life through my eyes. It will be very authentic and vulnerable, but it will be my reality. I can promise you it won't be eloquent. It won't always be pretty. It will be flawed. But I can also promise you that it will be beautiful. For I want to share with you the beauty I see. I want to show you what a magnificent world we live in, and hopefully inspire you to go out and experience it. It's the greatest thing. Things as they really are help us to become so much more than if things were the way we want them. So let's embrace things the way they really are and become.

"We make a life by what we give."
(Winston Churchill)  

 So give it everything you've got; give it your all, your whole focus, your whole determination, your whole love, your whole soul.

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