Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Thoughts are like snowflakes.

You and your friends are in a field as it starts to snow. You look up with wonder as the snowflakes fall from the sky. Reaching up, you catch one in your palm. As it melts, you admire the intricate design.

You experienced a snowflake that no one else did. A lot of thoughts will be fleeting. Like just staring at all the snowflakes as they tumble down. But other thoughts, special thoughts, you will know more deeply as you think about it. The thought deepens the longer you think about it. Similarly, the longer you look at the snowflake the more of it you see.

Thoughts are delicate too, just like snowflakes.

Some people go through life just looking at the snowflakes. They never know the joy of thinking deeply. Of really knowing and exploring a thought. But just try to reach up and catch one. It may be hard at first, but once you catch one, you'll love it. I promise. :)

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